Wednesday, January 30, 2013

New Look

The past few days I have been working on redesigning my blog because 
I was bored with the last design,
 and I wanted a fresh, new look because
 I am hoping to make blogging a bigger part of my life.
 I absolutely LOVE writing,
 and plus, it's a great outlet to use on a stressful day. 

Anywho, I just wanted to give some credit where it is due!
I googled all sorts of different things,
and I found one blogger to be exceptionally helpful!
Her blog is called Projects Around the House,
and I found it via google, so I don't know much about the blog,
but from her I was able to create my blog header,
and I was able to make my blog button.
And the best part is, it was SO easy!

Moral of the story is:
If you're looking to change some things up,
you should definitely check out her blog.
If you're looking to change your header,
then click here

If you want a little more detail for the header,
then click here!

And if you want to create a blog button,
so others can share on your blog on theirs, click here!

I hope that was helpful, 
and have fun redecorating!

Til Next Time.


  1. I've been wanting to update my blog too...but I wasn't sure how. I will most definitely check out her site! Thanks girl!

  2. Anytime! I had such a blast doing it, and I am still trying to learn new tips and tricks to really get into this blogging thing!
