Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Year 27

Dear me,

This year's birthday looks a little different, well actually, a lot different. You're not in the place that you thought you would be for an assortment of reasons, and you're stuck in quarantine because of this crazy pandemic. However, not all is lost. You are still you. No one and nothing can take that away.

This year I pray that you give yourself grace from past mistakes. I pray that you lean into God and trust what He has in store for you. I pray that you would find joy in the small things and learn to relax and stop rushing around looking for something to always accomplish. This year I pray that you would realize how vastly and deeply loved you are, especially by family and friends.

This year I pray that you realize YOU ARE ENOUGH. You have so much to offer, and just because you're a little jaded and life isn't what you expected doesn't mean that you aren't worthy. God can do a lot with a little, and you've given Him more than a little to work with; just be patient.

This year I pray that you have more confidence than any other year because you are completely free to be exactly who you want to be. I pray you re-discover things you used to love and unearth new things you never knew about yourself. I pray that this year would be a rebirth of sorts, yes I realize how cheesy that sounds, but I mean it. Take time to slow down and appreciate all that is around you even when it's uncomfortable.

This year I pray that you find the relationships that matter most and nurture them. I pray for wisdom that you learn the right people to open up with and for opportunities to share Jesus with everyone that crosses your path. I pray that you would put others before yourself, but also know how to take care of yourself, so you don't get lost in the mix.

This year I pray for a year of growth. You have so much potential, so don't sell yourself short. Step into the person that God has designed you to be and embrace all of you, the good and the not so good. No one is perfect, so don't be so hard on yourself. Grieve what you have lost, but pick yourself up and figure out how to move forward.

This year is a year of change for you, and while it may seem daunting at times, I firmly believe it might turn out to be one of the best years yet. I know you're closer to 30 than 20, which is terrifying, but you're still young and you still have a long road ahead of you. Take your time figuring out what you want and make sure it is rooted in what God wants. You've got one life, so don't waste it chasing after things that don't matter.

Happy birthday,


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