Friday, November 30, 2012

Five Friday Favorites

On my final Friday in the beautiful country of Switzerland, I would like to share with you my five favorite things from this past semester. This is going to be difficult because I have so many more than five, but I hope that I can narrow it down to some of the best ones. Enjoy!

1. Kebabs. They are delicious, and I even love them with cabbage, and that is definitely saying something coming from me. They are a common food item here in Europe because I see them sold everywhere. Also, they are MASSIVE, and beyond fulfilling. It's hard to finish one, but I am always up for the challenge. Next time you are in Europe you should definitely try one. This guy receives Hannah's Stamp of Approval.

2. Rhein River. This river is so peaceful, especially in the Busingen side because it is such a small town. It is known for its evil swans, adorable ducks, and gorgeous sunsets. It is definitely a beauty in the mornings and at dusk. I can proudly say I floated down it once, and thoroughly enjoyed the swift current carrying me. I will miss it once back in the states, and I will definitely miss the calmness that Busingen continually exudes. America is a place that never stops, and this town has been the perfect place to slow down and attempt to appreciate the things around me. It was a good place to stop and catch my breath for a semester. 

3. Swiss Alps. I am not for sure that I even have words for this. They were absolutely stunning, and I have no idea how anyone would be able to doubt God's existence after seeing this masterpiece, and it is just a small portion of it too. I feel so blessed to have been able to experience the magnificence they held because it was an incredible view at the top, and pictures do it no justice. 

4. Frankfurt. I loved the people. I loved the mission. I loved the coffee. It was a win win situation for everybody. But seriously this trip had to have been up there with the best of them because I had a blast meeting everyone and opening my eyes to a whole new world of church and mission work. God really pushed me and forced me to broaden my horizons and look beyond myself and my comfort zone. He opened up a world of possibilities that I may have never seen before without this semester. 

5. La Pieta. I swear that I could have stared at this sculpture all day long. It is probably one of the most beautiful pieces I have ever seen in person. I was amazed by the emotions that it stirred in me. This is the Virgin Mary, holding the body of her dead son, Jesus, in her arms. I can only imagine the anguish she must have been feeling in this moment. I have never been so drawn to a piece of art. It is beautiful. Honestly, it does not even need words. I believe it easily speaks for itself. 

Those 5 do not even come close to the amount of memories and experiences that I have from this entire semester. If I tried to share them all with you this blog post would be much, much longer. So I will refrain, and just leave you with this little bit of Christmas spirit from Schaffhausen. :)

1 day left here. No time to waste. 
Til Next Time.

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