Friday, November 16, 2012

Five Friday Favorites

I have decided to try something new for my blog because I have discovered that 
a. I LOVE to write, and I have really missed doing it.
b. I want to share cool things with you guys and
c. All the cool bloggers have a themed post at least once a week, so
 I am going to begin mine on Friday's and hopefully remember to keep up with it :)

1. To begin this little shin dig, my first favorite thing is a peacock because I think they are one of the coolest, most prettiest birds on God's green earth. I actually just saw one flair its feathers this summer at the zoo, and I am pretty sure that it made my ENTIRE day. I have a peacock shirt, earrings, headband... I think you get the picture. They are wonderful, and at one point I wanted to own one, but I have heard that they make for terrible pets with all their loud squawking and such. Sad day, indeed.

2. During fall and winter I have a HUGE obsession with sweaters. I have one in particular that I wear quite often that everyone calls my grandma sweater, but I wear it with the utmost pride. It's wool and it's warm, and it's one of my most favorite items of clothing. If I could have a sweater to wear everyday, I would in a heartbeat. The sweater above I do not personally own, but I would love to. However, click here, to check out this super cool online shop I found with TONS of super sweet sweaters!


3. Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Nuff Said. But seriously, just look at how adorable and handsome he is. It's literally impossible to not fall in love with that face. Fo real. I swoon every time :)

4. I really enjoy a good classic novel, and one of my favorites just so happens to be the Great Gatsby, which comes to theaters next summer (I literally cannot wait) with my all time favorite actor Leonardo DiCaprio (he is a beautiful sight to see as well!) And what I love even more than literature and sweaters, is the two combined! And if you click here, it will take you to one of the greatest literature clothing/accessory store online that I have ever laid my eyes upon. Plus, for each book sold they help out by donating a book to communities in need through Books for Africa. It's another super sweet deal.

5. Last, but not least is my love for fairytales. I am a hopeless romantic at heart, and my passion for reading and romanticism is the perfect combination to truly enjoy unrealistic stories about love in far away places and kingdoms. I think that you are never too old for fairytales, and my dream is to one day find a big fairytale book that contains all my favorites, and the outside of the book will hopefully look fancy and vintage too. I am currently still on the hunt for one, so if you know of any leads let me know please! Thanks :)

I hope you enjoyed my first Five Friday Favorites, and please tune in next week to get another peek into the world of Hannah! Til Next Time.

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