Saturday night was the first annual Autumn Banquet or at least I think it will be an annual thing. When our group came back from Taizé, France we all had invitations in our mailboxes inviting us to this banquet, and we were told nothing. Absolutely nothing. I had no idea what to expect, the invitation told us to dress formal, so obviously my first thought was of distress because all of my super cute dresses are back at home. Alas, I had a problem on my hands, and not only were my dresses there, but all of my heels as well. Now if you know me, you know that shoes are just one teeny tiny obsession that I have. Especially heels. And why I did not think to even bring at least one pair with me, I shall never know. Bad decision on my part. But anyways, the night had come, and I had found an outfit, my makeup was done, and I straightened my hair for the first time since Paris (which by the way reminded me of why I love my straightener so much and of how much I miss it not working here) There was excitement buzzing around the girls' dorms because it had been FOREVER since any of us had really gotten dressed up or anything, so this was a big deal.

Finally, 7pm hit and Erin and I were the only ones ready, so we headed over and when we walked in the doors it was like classroom one did not even exist anymore. They had completely transformed the classroom into this beautiful, candlelit room of amazingness. Serious props go out to Megan, Katie, and Linda. My pictures won't do it justice because of the flash, but let me just give all of you a little tour!

Above is my table which was Megan, me, Bryce, and then the Swatzky family or half of them at least. They were wonderful table companions. For dinner we had a Swiss specialty called Raclette. Around the table there are lots of different toppings like meat, corn, cucumbers, mushrooms, etc. Then what you do is take your little tray and put whatever toppings you want and then you put a piece of cheese over it and stick it in the special cooker that is just for Raclette. You wait until the cheese is melted, and then you pour it on your baked potato. It's actually way better than I was expecting it to be. However, I did just stick with meat and cheese pretty much. Sorry, Mom! To drink we had non-alcoholic rose and white wine, which was delicious. For dessert, we had Swiss delicacies that are just for the winter time. I really didn't like any of them, but I gave them all a shot at least!

After dinner we all hung around and talked with one another, and it was a lot more fun because they had invited other people from the Nazarene offices to have dinner with us, which practically doubled our group. On a sad note, it was the last time our whole group was together because some of the boys leave this week, so we took one last group picture!
Overall, I had a great night, and it was so fun to get all dressed up and have a nice dinner, instead of just cereal for a change. There was delicious apple cider, friends, and laughter that made it one of the most memorables nights I have had during this semester. My days in Europe are dwindling down quickly, and while I am excited and ready to be home I know that I do not want to rush through these next 3 weeks either. Til Next Time.
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