Honestly, when it comes to blogging I have never been interested in starting one, but lately the thought of it has been more appealing. Before this year, I had my whole life planned to a T, and that is in no way an exaggeration. But God has this funny way of doing the exact opposite of what you plan for your life. So instead of choosing to pout over what happened, I pulled up my big girl undies and chose to trust God. And that's not to say that every day since as been easy or even enjoyable, but I know that every day I live it is worth it to do my best to follow Him. I am not perfect, far from it actually, but I choose to live every day as best as I possibly can to honor Him. However, I still screw up and make mistakes, but the cool thing about having Jesus as my Father is that He forgives me over and over again. I do not think I ever truly appreciated that until this year, and I still find that I am in awe of Him most days. I am so unworthy of His grace and love, but He gives it to me anyway. The best part of that whole thing is that all I have to do is ask for it. Probably the easiest thing to do. Ever. Yet, I still find myself making excuses some days, when really I should just stop trying to be what everyone else wants me to be, and just be, well, me. And me is someone who loves to laugh even at things that are mildly inappropriate. Me is someone who loves to bake, but half the time gets impatient with it. Me is someone who absolutely loves to read and loves eating oreos and peanut butter on a rainy day :) Me is someone who loves to dance and someone who loves most any genre of music. Me is someone who has only wanted one thing my whole life, to be a mom. The latter is probably something God is going to use to teach me patience even more in my life because we have had many discussions over it. Those are just a few things that make me Hannah and believe me when I say there are plenty more things that I could share, but the list would be entirely too long. And I am sure by now you (whoever actually chooses to read this) are tired of reading me is someone who... over and over again. I am just an average college girl trying to figure out what in the world I am going to do with this life that has been given to me. Every day is an adventure :) Til next time.
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