Have any of you seen Pitch Perfect? If not, you need to go see it. Like now.
That was not a joke. I have seen it three times in the past two weeks, and I am still not sick of it. The music is wonderful, and I promise you that you will fall in love with the main love interest, Jesse, who is played by the adorably handsome, Skylar Astin. Folks, just look at this face.
I bet you are swooning already. Trust me when I say that I do every time. Some might call it pathetic, but I just call it unrealistic dreaming. Now I am not normally one of those girls that gets all psycho and crazy about a celebrity, and still to this day I refuse to act a fool, but I don't mind admiring some of God's greatest creations and giving a shout out to them. If that picture is not any motivation to go see the movie, then maybe this clip will be.
He is the perfect combination of dork and adorable in this movie, and you better believe I asked for it for Christmas! If only he were real, I would marry him in a heartbeat. *Sigh*
My next celebrity crush is Paul Klein. The last post I made included one of his Christmas videos, and seriously from the moment I heard his voice I was hooked. It was inevitable too because not only does he play piano, but he is from Kansas City, which is beyond close to me. But the best part is he has a heart for God, and his music displays that, which as you all should I know I love Jesus, so it's a win win for everyone. Plus, when I tweeted at him (because yes even though I am not one of those crazy girls, I wanted to give him props for his music) he most definitely favorited my tweet. Talk about being on cloud nine. I am pretty sure that single act made my entire day. And to top it all off, he is totally hipster cute, which just makes me happy on so many levels. If you guys have never heard his stuff you need to take the time to go check him out on itunes! I promise you it is worth your time :) Here is just a clip from one of my favorite songs!
I am sure that I could share more with all of you about my crushes or even more just about these two, but I will spare all of you my silly day dreaming. However, I do hope you enjoyed both clips, and I hope that you will give them both a chance by checking them out. I promise you won't regret it!
Til Next Time.